Survivor Squad: Gauntlets (Steam key/Region free)
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Survivor Squad: Gauntlets (Steam key/Region free)


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Survivor Squad: Gauntlets is a Strategy-Action game where you command a Squad of Survivors in a world where Line of Sight is extremely important, you cannot shoot what you cannot see. Develop your formations, move as a unit and cover every corner. Leave no man behind!

Use your weapons and gadgets to slaughter hundreds of infected in a series of levels with unique events. Gather your group, build your base, craft your gear, level your squad and get to the extraction!

Complete 20 Puzzle-like Editor Challenges that will test your brain and problem solving skills while teaching you the power of the editor

Survivor Squad: Gauntlets also features a very powerful Editor that has been used to build all the Developer Content you see in the game. It lets you place all kinds of Objects and interact with them through hundreds of possible Event Actions and manipulate them with Variables and Event Triggers. Anything from Lasers to Sentry Guns to Buttons and even Custom Interfaces!
The editor is essentially a visual programming language so if you can imagine it, you can build it!

Along with the Editor comes several tools for sharing and playing Community built Gauntlets. Build a death trap and challenge your friends to beat your score!

Региональных ограничений нет.

Цена: 0 $.

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