No Time To Explain Remastered [steam key, ru + cis]
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No Time To Explain Remastered [steam key, ru + cis]


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"I Am You From The Future! No Time To Explain, Follow m-OH CHRIST!"

Chase your future self through time and alternate realities while fighting giant monsters, collecting hats, and eating cake! No Time To Explain is a game about Time Paradoxes, Jetpack Guns and Ribs In People´s Eyes. It´s a comedy platformer featuring great music, voice acting and gameplay that becomes more ridiculous as you go.
Key Features
Completely rebuilt from ground up in Unity! The Remastered version of No Time To Explain is how the game was originally intended to be played.
Now with local multiplayer!
PLAY AS NEW CHARACTERS to blast, beam, slingshot and catapult yourself through fire, acid and fairy-cakes!
TEST YOUR GUN-GLIDING MASTERY: There are 60 wearable hats hidden around these levels, but where are they?
FACE OFF against giant monsters from alternate timelines, including the most horrific of all: your evil alternate self!
Kill giant alien crabs!
Eat cake!
Fight sharks!
Jump on stuff!
Play fullscreen!
Perform awesome dance moves while wearing collected hats!
Play different versions of yourself from the future!
Fully original Soundtrack!
Create and share your own levels in the built-in Level Editor!
About tinyBuild
We´re an indie game development and publishing company. No Time To Explain is our first game. It came out of a successful Kickstarter and Greenlight adventure. Since No Time To Explain, we started helping other developers with their games. After getting enough muscle behind our internal studio, we came back to No Time To Explain, and completely remade the game in a proper engine. No Time To Explain Remastered is free for everyone who owns the original!


1. Необходимо скачать и установить Steam (если еще не установлен)
2. Зарегистрировать новый аккаунт в Steam или зайти в существующий.
3. Перейти в раздел "Мои игры" и выбрать "Активировать через Steam" , ввести ключ.
4. Игра после активации появиться в библиотеке игр и вы сможете скачать её со Steam.
5. Наслаждайтесь игрой.

Цена: 0.34 $.

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