DarkEnd (Steam key/Region free)
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DarkEnd (Steam key/Region free)


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Can you conquer the ever changing dungeons of DarkEnd and save the fall of humanity? Choose your heroes and venture into a world filled with numerous treasures, mysterious secrets and discover a haunting past in this 10+ hours of retro 2D Dungeon-Crawling!
Your hero, your destiny
There are four playable characters, each with his/her own unique story-line. Select your heroes and help them face their dark past.

Xia: A primagus from the East with the mastery over prime elements.

Griselda: A necromagus with rare ability to control dark ether.

Svas: A Blood Hunter – master of gadgets and the bowgun; a feared assassin of the night.

Lucion: A Knight Templar reputable to be the one chosen to wield the godblade Lorelei.
Retro Dungeon-Crawling Experience
Enjoy traditional gameplay reminiscent of dungeon crawlers RPGs from the 90’s. The battles are challenging yet rewarding, along with a multitude of quests, hidden enemies and treasures around every corner! In addition, DarkEnd also features flexible skill trees that allow you to shape your hero to your liking and tactical needs!
Play as you please
There are 4 difficulties which will allow you to either fully experience the game or simply blitz through. Do not like grinding for EXP? Turn on the "Milestone Leveling System" and your heroes will level up automatically as the story advances.The choice is yours!
High Replay Value
The story unfolds according to your choice of heroes! Replay with different characters in New Game+ to fully discover the truth behind the DarkEnd.

Региональных ограничений нет.

Цена: 0 $.

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