Slime-san (Steam Key, GLOBAL)
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Slime-san (Steam Key, GLOBAL)


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Жанр: Экшены, Приключенческие игры, Инди
Разработчик: Fabraz
Издатель: Headup Games
Дата выхода: 7 апр. 2017
Язык: английский

Slime-san was minding his own business, sliming around in a peaceful forest when suddenly…A giant worm appeared and gobbled him up! 
Now deep within the worm’s belly, Slime-san has to face a decision: Be digested by the incoming wall of stomach acid... Or jump, slide and slime his way through the worms intestines and back out its mouth!


• Incredibly fast-paced and twitch-timing platforming madness!
• No time to stay still as you are chased by a wall of acid at every corner! Run, run, run!
• Being a slime has its perks. Slime your way through cracked walls and surfaces!
• Bust through brittle obstacles or tense situations with a speedy dash move.
• Slime to slow time, dash to speed it up. Feel like an absolute badass with pixel precise maneuvers!
• A game filled with content: 100 levels made out of 400 rooms combined with 100 newgame+ levels totaling to a staggering 200 levels and 800 rooms!
• Collect partially-digested apples to unlock different play styles, outfits, shaders and mini games!
• Unlock competitive multiplayer arcade games that recalls titles of the past!
• Get your shopping done in a town of survivors within the worm, home to colorful characters and surprising secrets.
• Each level is timed with online rankings, for the competitive and score-oriented.
• Unlock extra game modes like New Game+, Speed Running and Boss Rush modes!
• Get engrossed in a flexible, 5 colored, pixelated world…found… within… the worm?
• Adhesive Wombat, Tiasu, MegaNeko, Kommissar, Richard Gould... Over 10 composers contributed with over 20 songs for a chiptune album that you can´t help but groove out to!

Цена: 0.79 $.

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